Create. Integrate. Educate.
In-situ Microscopy Alliance
A community of experts in electron microscopy and complementary analytical techniques working together towards sustainable future.
IMA is composed of five companies producing analytical equipment complementary to electron microscopy, supported by a scientific board.
Why the In-situ Microscopy Alliance?
The In-situ Microscopy Alliance (IMA) was founded to share know-how and technology for the in-situ microscopy and testing, to accelerate innovation and adoption of new techniques, and to foster new applications across disciplines aiming at sustainable technology development.

As an alliance, we will:

  • Create an ecosystem for leading industrial and academic players to explore, develop and promote in-situ characterization techniques, tools, and applications.

  • Educate the research and engineering community about the capabilities of in-situ characterization techniques.

  • Offer integrations of advanced analytical tools and applications for comprehensive in-situ characterization.
What do we do

In-Situ Microscopy Alliance offers a space where the members can share ideas and knowledge, learn about new in-situ SEM techniques and their applications.

IMA members can collaborate with each other and with the companies who are part of IMA, and they get to shape the specs of future analytical instruments that will drive the next generation of sustainable technology.

IMA will hold regular online webinars dedicated to specific applications and in-person workshops.
Our mission is to connect industry and academia in advancing the in-situ microscopy characterization tools, solutions, and services.
Scientific Board

In-situ Microscopy Alliance is supported by a scientific advisory board formed by leading researchers working on novel materials, semiconductors, and energy solutions.

Marc-Georg Willinger
Chair of Electron Microscopy, Professor at Technical University of Munich
Umberto Celano
Associate Professor for nanoelectronics, materials characterization and semiconductor metrology, Arizona State University
Because you need to image it while it happens: a word from our advisor
Prof. Dr. Marc-Georg Willinger
Chair of Electron Microscopy
Technische Universität München
Why did you join the In-situ Microscopy Alliance?

Capturing the whole picture and combining different aspects from the nm to mm scale is a challenging and complex task.

TheIn-Situ Microscopy Alliance was founded by innovative technology-driven companies that understand the relevance of in-situ microscopy and are keen to develop tools for our needs. I wanted to be a part of this development right from the start.

What areas of your research benefit from in-situ testing?
We need to study functional materials under relevant working conditions. This is especially true for the development of materials with enhanced performance and of devices required for a sustainable future, such as catalysts and battery materials. In-situ analysis is critical for progress in these particular fields.

How to join In-Situ Microscopy Alliance

We welcome anyone who works with electron microscopy and wants to make the most of this powerful tool and techniques complementary to it.

Techniques discussed at IMA webinars and workshops can add value to any system, from existing columns to brand-new microscopes.

Follow us on Linked In to stay up to date about the upcoming events.

Watch a webinar about In-Situ Microscopy Alliance

Learn more about the Alliance, its founding companies, and discover the related work of Prof. Dr. Marc-Georg Willinger.

IMA Events
Apr 23
9.00 am
3.30 pm

Workshop on correlated in-situ SEM techniques

In-person workshop at Covalent Metrology, Sunnyvale, CA. Learn more.
Apr 25
9.00 am
2.30 pm

Workshop on correlated in-situ SEM techniques

In-person workshop at MIT.Nano, Boston, MA.
Learn more.

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